Jessica Freedman, UX Designer
Deepak Jaiswal, Engineer
Mayank Bhutani, Engineer
Ji Yeon Lee, Engineer
Michele Kinsey, Engineer
DIGITS Open Group Chat
For this project I was given a list of requirements in Jira from the engineering team and ran with it.
Adobe Illustrator
T-Mobile DIGITS is a web and mobile app that enables users to use multiple phone numbers on one device while simultaneously allowing them to use multiple devices with one phone number.
Meet the requirements
Improve and modernize the UI without adding an unnecessary lift for developers
I read reviews about DIGITS
I read through previous survey information provided by the team
Competitive Analysis
I looked at other applications that offers group chat including:
Facebook Messenger
I also looked at how native messaging was handled:
iOS native messaging
Android native messaging
user flows and sketching
Created in Figma
Some flows were prototyped
FigJam Flows
Screen mock-up flows with annotations and links to jira tickets
The company decided that they didn’t want to proceed with the project and DIGITS lost funding for future improvements. Now it is just being maintained as a proof of concept for T-Mobile APIs.
Next Steps
If I could continue working on the project I would:
test with users to find areas of improvement and revise designs
Add in accessibility annotations for screen readers, keyboard focus area, and alt tags. I would also create screens for dynamic type.
Prepare files for handoff
I learned:
Details about the different types of messaging that devices are capable of and how experiences change based on the devices participants are using
I learned to use Jira to review requirements, collaborate with teammates, and how to effectively communicate my designs with different teams
There is a balance between improving the UI design and not going overboard
August 2022 - November 2022
3 Months
I was given a list of 38 requirements in Jira detailing the functionality that open group chat should offer in DIGITS. I was also given a test account for mobile and web. The challenge was to add in the new functionality while keeping the same look and feel and recreating all the designs in Figma as the team no longer had access to the original documents.